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"The 2B Mindset addresses the number one issue with weight loss and weight management — FOOD.  Exercise is critical for living a healthy, functional life, but as they say, abs are made in the kitchen — and that’s the problem I designed the 2B Mindset to solve." -Ilana Muhlstein




• Want to lose weight, but don't like to exercise

• Exercise, but struggle with nutrition and don't see the weight loss they want

• Can't exercise due to injury/illness, but want to lose (or maintain) weight through better eating habits

• Love food, eating big portions, and feeling full

• Are tired of yo-yo dieting, but want to maintain their lifestyle

• Want an easy-to-follow weight loss strategy w/o strict rules--no cutting food groups, counting calories, or eating small portions

• Want freedom from obsessing over food and feeling overwhelmed by food choices




Our 2B Mindset kit comes with...

• Permanent streaming access to all 2B Mindset videos, including: 

-21 short videos that teach the basic principles of the program, including how to understand food groups, what to eat and when, Ilana's proven secrets to a positive mindset, plus real-life strategies for managing any eating situation (i.e., eating out at restaurants, while on a trip, for vegans/vegetarians, etc.) 

-5 videos that help address the most common challenges to losing weight and establishing a healthier relationship with food

-15 recipe videos where Ilana shows you how to cook her favorite time-saving, delicious and satisfying meals…in no time


• The Getting Started Guide, which includes step-by-step instructions for putting the program into action 


• My Go-to-Guide, a handy resource that accompanies the videos, featuring food lists, grocery shopping lists and more 


• 2B Mindset Recipes booklet, a collection of Ilana's favorite healthy meals, which can be printed for handy reference 


• My Tracker, a 90-day journal you can use to track your meals, progress, and all the daily inputs that can influence your weight loss journey and success


• Access to the Beachbody Nutrition+ App that lets you view all 2B Mindset videos (and program materials) on-the-go, and gives you a place to track your meals and your progress, right on your mobile device (iOS only)


Bonuses included: Family friendly RD created meal plans that are YUMMY! They go perfectly with the 2B Mindset. A special 30 oz water bottle that helps you get drinking more water with Ilana’s motivational phrases to keep you on track.


Ilana is on a mission is to help everyone she possibly can lose the weight-loss battle for good!


ILana says:

"The system I created is a healthy approach to eating that lets you feel full and satisfied while arming you with proven strategies that will help you co-exist with food in real-world situations, satisfy cravings, and anticipate setbacks before they happen — so you can win the weight-loss struggle every single time. That’s why I say it’s not a diet. It’s a mindset.


The 2B Mindset can help you lose weight — happily — without feeling deprived or hungry, without exercising, without counting calories, or cutting out whole food groups.


The 2B Mindset addresses the number one issue with weight loss and weight management — food. Exercise is critical for living a healthy, functional life, but as they say, abs are made in the kitchen — and that’s the problem she has designed the 2B Mindset to solve.”


The good news is it’s SIMPLE to follow and once you have it, you have it FOR LIFE!


It’s time to WIN that battle of weight loss once and FOR ALL!!!



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Hey, I’m Lyndsi and I’ve struggled with weight for a long time. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 30 years old, battled infertility, gained 100 lbs when I finally got pregnant with twins between bedrest and all the hormone meds they gave me. After the twins were born I struggled to get the weight off and KEEP IT OFF. I was told ‘you have PCOS’ so it will be HARD to lose the weight, so I owned that and continued to struggle and find an answer. I was told cut carbs, cut gluten, cut out dairy, fast, eat this, eat that… it did not stop and I would see a little result and then find myself stuck again and on a mission for what I could do that would be sustainable. Enter the 2B Mindset. This program is LIFE CHANGING. Once you’ve got it, you’ve got it. You can take it with you everywhere you go, travel, events, no more stressing out over date night or a holiday party. This program is simple, sensible and sustainable like Ilana says and it’s so true. I literally get to LIVE MY LIFE and have LOST WEIGHT and best part- I haven’t had to cut out any food groups and the weight has it’s STAYED OFF! This has been the EASIEST system and I will never eat another way.  It WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE, help you lose weight happily and keep it off FOR GOOD!” 



“I’m going to help you win the weight-loss battle once and for all!”

—Ilana Muhlstein, MS, RDN, Creator of the 2B Mindset 


Meet Nancy! She is a mom of 2 sets of twins and a little baby boy! She has PCOS and LOVES FOOD! She has shed 28 lbs with the 2B Mindset in her first 30 days! Here is the beautiful part of this- she has the 2B Mindset for LIFE now and will continue to shed postpartum baby weight! She said "Before this program I was so stressed about our surprise 4th pregnancy because I was afraid I would gain all the weight I had lost post pregnancy. 2B mindset helped me see the ease of weight-loss and I could “take it off as fast as I put it on” with a few small mindset changes."


Meet Nikki- Her starting weight was 150. Today she is 133. She Didn’t workout for the first 2 months.

Nikki said: 2B Mindset has given me true food freedom. Before starting the program I was in a restrictive/binge cycle I couldn’t get out of. I had all the tools, I knew how to lose weight as I had previously lost 50 lbs but I only knew how to do it by restricting...and because my mindset was in a negative place the restriction led to binging. Since starting the 2B Mindset I haven’t once felt deprived!! I love my life, I travel, I go out to eat, I NEVER feel guilty about treating myself or missing a workout. I am eating intuitively and fueling my body with what it wants rather than eating to fill a void. I am never going back to my old life! 2B for life! 


Meet Tiffany! Tiffany lost 20 lbs with the 2B Mindset! Tiffany said "Before this program I thought I could either be HAPPY or HEALTHY, but not both at the same time. 2B mindset showed me that I CAN have food freedom and still lose weight. I have always felt like such a failure when it came to diets and following meal plans. I used to let one "bad meal" throw me off track and derail my progress. 2B mindset changed everything for me! Now I'm losing weight happily and keeping it off. I never have to start over. The best part? No more guilt for "cheating" on my diet!"


Lindsey said "Before this program came along, I never thought I could break my 140 lb weight plateau because that was my pre-baby weight so how could I break that?" AND "I’m muscular and tall for a girl so that’s just where I’ll stay. This program has taken me past that plateau and all while still enjoying the things I LOVE! This is the lifestyle for me. Hands down"


 “On 2/6/17, I started the official test group for 2B Mindset. As I reflect back to the picture on the left and where I am today all I see is growth. I remember vividly that day writing down my current weight of 168 and taking full ownership of that number. I owned it, I caused it to happen. It was my poor choices over time that caused the 30 pound weight gain. So I stopped blaming my slow metabolism, my age, my menopause, my surgery and everything else that I was using as an excuse for my weight gain. Because in all honesty, it was my mindset that caused it to happen. Owning it immediately gave me a sense of freedom. The time had come to finally STOP pointing the finger on “outside” factors and start looking within me to make the change that I so long needed. 


This past fall I had a bit of a health scare and the old Micki would have gone back to emotional eating but not this time! As the quote says. “Where your focus goes, your energy flows” And my focus was NOT going to emotional eating because that was not going to change the outcome. So instead I put my focus on creating more awareness of what healthy eating does for your mind, body and soul.


The 2B Mindset has completely shifted my mindset. And as Ilana Muhlstein creator of 2BMindset says, “A positive mindset means a positive and healthy weight loss with no more emotional eating, no more mindless snacking and no more punishing yourself for eating food you love”


2B Mindset is the program that not only helped me evict 26 pounds but it’s given me a FREEDOM MINDSET!!! I can’t wait until the release of this program because it’s truly going to break so many strongholds in people’s mindset.


2B FREE is to LIVE <3



  • 30-day supply of Shakeology

  • Shakeology Shaker Cup

  • Annual Beachbody On Demand access

  • First 30 days of BODi access

  • 2B Mindset program materials

  • 2B Mindset Tracker

  • 2B Mindset Water Bottle

  • Ilana’s best-selling book, You Can Drop It!

  • 2B Mindset and Portion Fix digital nutrition programs




Get access to the base kit that includes all digital content plus printed materials, a water bottle, and as a bonus, a digital PDF file of Ilana’s best-selling book, You Can Drop It!

Get access to the digital-only format plus, as a bonus, a digital PDF file of Ilana’s best-selling book, You Can Drop It!



​Get ready to fast-track your weight loss by detoxifying and cleansing your system while you break the cycle of bad eating with the 3-Day Refresh & Shakeology Challenge Pack! Your bundle includes the 3-Day Refresh Kit with a menu planner, plus your first 30-day supply of Shakeology, and access to customized support from a personal Coach.

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